Monday, June 25, 2012

Peer pressure did me in...

It has taken a while, but I've finally caved to the peer pressure of creating a blog to document my jaw surgery journey. You could say that I'm a little late on the game when it comes to writing down the details of my orthodontia, however, I started off with ortho when I was 7, and I don't think anyone would be able to follow the mindless ramblings of a second grade me.

Formal introduction time! My name is Sara, I'm currently 17, and I'm t-minus two weeks and a day from jaw surgery to correct my open bite. People always seem to wonder just why I'm sacrificing the summer before my senior year to have my face professionally broken, and the answer is simple really. My open bite will supposedly get worse as I age and further impede upon my ability to eat. I like eating. I like eating a lot. There are other reasons of course,  but the gist of the situation is that it will have to be done sometime, and I'd much rather have it out of the way before college.

On this lovely face-smashing adventure I will be updating this blog periodically with all of the fun stuff that happens pre-op, and then daily post-op with, most likely embarrassing, photos of my puffy face. I've come across very few blogs for those of us with open bites, and I think it's time for a comprehensive one. So, here it goes! Welcome to the wondrous world that is Jaw Surgery Blog: Open Bite Edition.