Day One: Hospital Holiday:
- I get to sleep as much as I want.
- My bed is rather comfy.
- Nurse Tina alerted people that I cannot talk!
- Morphine button.
- There is a gnarly tube up my nose to suck up fluids.
- Said tube is sucking up nearly 55cc's of blood and snot.
- When I press my call button to be disconnected from my IV and nose tube to pee, the nurses say "What do you need?" over intercom... I cannot talk. Oh the irony.
- I have to wear weird pulsating boots to keep my circulation going.
Day Two: Homeward Bound:
- I get to go home!
- I can wear my own clothes again, no more bootylicious hospital gown.
- My IV/ snot tube/ boots are taken off.
- I got to take a shower.
- We missed most of the potholes on the way back.
- I got food! Kind of...
- We had to sit in a car for two hours.
- I had to be awake so my head wouldn't hit the windshield.
- Still feeling pretty icky.
- I can't blow my nose, and there is quite a bit of snot.
Days Three- Five: Oh, the Humanity!
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- You cannot blow your nose, which is way worse than it sounds.
- I had issues reaching even 1200 calories on a liquid diet.
- I threw up due to post nasal drip.
- Jaw spasms started.
- I was stuck sleeping upright in a chair.
- My swelling peaked, it was all the way to my eyes.
- Overall, I felt pretty cruddy.
- Had intestinal issues, couldn't use the bathroom.
- Most Ensure-type products are disgusting.
- Pain.
Days Six-Seven: Things are Looking Up:
- I started to feel much better.
- My calorie intake was up.
- Down to oxycodone only in the mornings.
- On day seven I got to switch out my bands which entailed:
- Brushing my teeth.
- Eating a twice baked potato. (Heaven, difficult to eat, but heaven)
- Graduating to a no-chew diet instead of purely liquid.
- My energy is back up a bit.
- Still feeling week sometimes.
- Sleeping is difficult, making my insomnia worsen.
- No-chew diets still aren't a party.
- Jaw spasms continue on.
Despite all of this, once the first week is over things get much easier. I even got to mash up cupcakes and eat them yesterday! The only thing that is really still bothering me is a cough that has come up due to that dreaded post-nasal drip. However, this is normal, it's just aggravated to due my asthma. Random fact: I can feel one of the screws in my face! It's really trippy.
New post Wednesday!