Thursday, July 19, 2012

Day 10: Human Contact

I lied again, and I apologize. This is not the super massive post that I promised; however, that will come eventually. I was lucky enough to see some of my friends today and I just couldn't bear to leave mumbling inappropriate jokes and playing pool with them to blog. So, this is about solely the current week.

As you can probably tell from my billiards bonanza, I am feeling much better that I was when you all last heard from me on Day 1. I'm still not 100% myself, especially in my facial region, but my energy is back up. Earlier this week, Tuesday if you want to get technical, I had a visit with my surgeon for my one week update. All is going well and on track, the only thing I was chastised for a bit was my diet which I was slacking on. Although, I'm up in calories and protein intake now. The other major part of my appointment was quite a perk, I got my huge clunky bands off and they were demoted to much more manageable five elastics that I can take off for two hours a day. I also get to brush my teeth now instead of just rinse: it's heavenly. Seriously, never go a week without brushing if you don't desire to deal with scaggy breath and mouth goo. Not fun. Aside from that I'm finally off of my rather unpalatable antibiotic and down to oxycodone once in the morning for pain.

Jaw surgery has been a blessing in disguise. My bite is so much better and I'm healing much faster than I ever expected. I have a visit with my ortho on Wednesday, and I'm hoping he'll say I can get my braces off around September. Wishful thinking, yes, but it's worth a shot.